Dental rates

These rates are set by the Dutch Healtcare Authority (NZa). You can download the rates at their website:

View dental rates (in Dutch)


  • E60 Geheel of gedeeltelijk weghalen van pulpaweefsel: EURO 15
  • R29  Confectiekroon: EURO 10

If you have a Dutch health insurance your children ,up to 18 years old, are covered by the basic health insurance. For some treatments, we need to request authorization from the insurance company. We advise you to always contact your health insurer to verify what exactly is covered.

If you do not have a Dutch health insurance, OR, if your international health insurance is not done through a Dutch health insurance, you will need to pay for dental treatments directly to the dental practice at the end of the appointment. After that, you can submit a claim for reimbursement to your health insurance provider. Please note that neither we nor Infomedics can contact your non-Dutch health insurance provider. It is your responsibility to find out what coverage is available .

If you have any further questions, we are happy to help you.

Feel free to contact us.

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